lass dich von der Poesie beschenken

 lass dich von der Poesie beschenken                                                                                          
 Berlin-Kreuzberg, 3.2011

"Lass dich von der Poesie beschenken!" (let yourself shower from the poetry, in german) is an action for the poetry festival Printemps des poètes en Berlin 2011. 

You are on the way to solve a very important issue and on the Mittenwalderstrasse you run against a poster hanging from a string: "if you pull the string you will get a poem from the sky" is written in german -hhm... what the fuck? you think at the same time you realize how your curious hand pulls on the string. At this time a red curtain closes in a window at the first floor. Written in white letters you can read: "bin gleich da!" (I'm coming!). And just a few seconds later the window opens and a bearded man recites a loud poem from Pablo Neruda and he disappears behind the window, as mysteriously as he appeared before. With a timid smile you resume your way and realize suddenly that what you were hurring up for is not so important anymore...

The action was elected and honored as the best of the festival for its simplicity and high interactions-degree.